

Visit of K.V. Krokhin to Troitsky "Technospark".

On May 17, the delegation of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry visited the Trinity Innovation Cluster, which is located in the unique Moscow science city - Troitsk, which is the scientific and geographical center of New Moscow.

During the visit, the MCCI leadership met with residents of local technology parks, where the guests were presented advanced developments in the field of robotics, laser technology, renewable energy, biotechnology, artificial diamonds and new materials.

The director of the New Moscow branch and the Chairman of the Italian Commission of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Konstantin Krokhin noted the highest level of organization of research and pilot production, demonstrated in Technospark, as well as excellent opportunities for the development and scaling of innovative business in the Business Park Aspirant.

During negotiations with the leadership of the Trinity Innovation Cluster, an agreement was reached on the inclusion of its representatives in the composition of the Business Council of New Moscow, as well as the development of a joint long-term strategy to promote innovative companies to foreign markets through their internationalization using the international channels of MCCI.

Among the nearest joint events is the organization of a visit to Troitsk of members of the Association of European Businesses, which has more than 520 companies from 26 European countries, and the provision  to residents of local innovation cluster  a unique marketing service “Interpost”.

TechnoSpark is a company that creates from scratch, grows and sells technology startups.

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